I'm His Weakness
When Alpha Lucas uses his mate to catch a rogue, his plan backfires, and she is hurt. Now he must gain her trust or. lose her forever. Anna is a small city girl looking for a new beginning when her life is shifted into an endless war with werewolves. Will she accept or reject Alpha Lucas after she learns he didn't care about her when he decided to use her for his sinister plans? Will she forgive and love him, or will a rejection be soon?
Available Chapters
01Chapter 1
Chapter 1
Walking inside, I am happy to be home. I get to spend the weekend with Jacob, losing my parents two months ago, I managed to settle everything they had left. I was left with a cabin that my parents bought years ago, but I have no idea what shape its in, it doesn’t matter at some point I’ll drive out there to see if I want to keep it, or sell it. Hearing noise brought me out of my thoughts, Jacob shouldn’t be home yet. I slowly kept to the bedroom, and the noise is louder. I heard a moan, and then another one. Forcing the door open, Jacob is there with another woman both of them are naked and fucking? “Jacob?” I said as tears swelled in my eyes. “Anna!” he said opening his eyes, he pulled himself out of her, trying to force the door closed before I could leave. “Wait!” he growled grabbing me forcing me against the wall. “This is just business.” “Yeah just business.” I growled, smacking him before I grabbed my laptop bag and stormed out. Getting to my car, I forced open the file on my parents, finding the address to the cabin, I guess today is better anyways. I put the address in the GPS and force myself to drive away from a life I’d had for five years. Five years wasted. Two hours later. ‘Take Exit 120 in one mile.’ The GPS whined at me, I couldn’t wait to get to the cabin. I know there isn’t anything out here but at least I still have somewhere to live. Pulling off the exit, there is a gas station to my right I pull in to get gas and some snacks for the night. My phone pinged. “We need to talk, please.” Jacob texted. Walking inside, its small but stocked with all kinds of different things. The guy at the register is staring at me, I try not letting it bother me. The chime from the door kind of startled me, three big burly looking guys walk in. two of them glance in my direction, while the third walked over to the Slurpee machine. Getting to the counter, the three guys came up behind me. My heart is in my throat, there wouldn’t be a way out of this if they wanted to do something. “Hi.” I said with a small smile. “You’re not from around here.” He said grabbing my soda. “Where you going?” “Um.” I said glancing behind me. “Leave her alone.” One of them growled. “She doesn’t want to be grilled about where she is going.” The one on my left growled. “But-“ “Enough.” The one on my right snapped. “Yes Alpha.” He said lowering his head and kept ringing me up. “I need twenty on that pump.” He didn’t say anything until it was time to pay, I paid and went outside. Taking a deep breath, I didn’t notice there were even more big burly guys leaning against a black escalade. One of them waved, I waved back and then walked to my car. Pulling the nozzle out and putting it in my car, I started pumping gas when I noticed two guys emerge from the dark and heading my way. I don’t have any idea what to do, the other guys with the escalade were watching, but didn’t move. “Hey there.” One of them said coming closer to my car. “You alone?” he said touching my hair as he glanced in my car and then at the store. “Don’t touch me.” I said swatting his hand away from me. “Aw why not baby.” He said wrapping his arm around me forcing me closer to him. I could feel his breath on me. “There isn’t anyone to stop me from doing what I want to you.” He said as he moved his hands to my ass. “Mm.” Then a loud growl and he let me go. I took a chance and punched him in the face before he forced me into the backdoor of my car, hurting my shoulder. He moved closer to me digging his fingers into my already throbbing shoulder, “He won’t protect you the next time we meet.” He whispered before him and his friends darted back to where they came from. “You alright?” one of the men that came out of the store asked. “Yes.” I said as my car finished. “Thankfully I don’t have far to go.” I said covering the blood coming out of the wounds. “We have a doctor that can look at that for you.” He said noticing the blood. “No thank you.” I said shaking my head. “I will be fine, but thank you.” “There is a pack hospital about fifteen miles that direction.” He said pointing in the direction where my cabin is. “If you need help, go there and tell them Alpha Lucas sent you.” “Thanks.” I kind of smiled, I couldn’t believe how good looking he was, he smelled of burnt marshmallows and it made me want some. “Thanks for saving me tonight.” “Draven is a known annoyance.” He sighed. “Hopefully I can catch him and deal with him.” “Good luck.” “Drive safe.” He said bowing slightly and walking back to his friends. I got in my car and headed towards the cabin. I am ten minutes away from the cabin and then something darted out in front of my car. I swerved to avoid it and landed in a ditch. I tried backing the car out, but it was stuck. Whatever came at my car, was big. Maybe it was a moose? “Fuck.” I snapped. “I don’t need this, why am I having so much bad luck?” I know this isn’t bad luck, it had to be worse. Getting out of my car, I looked around, it was dark the only light is from my headlights and those were dimming. I don’t know what I did to deserve this, but I wish something good would come out of this. “Piece of shit.” “Great!” I yelled. “Thanks!” I said kicking my car again, and it turned off. I sighed. I don’t know what the hell I am going to do. I know my cabin isn’t far, but I cannot see because of the snow. A howl from a wolf startled me, and it did it again on the other side of the road. I cannot tell how close they are. If I get eaten by wolves at least I go out like this. I guess. Grabbing my bag out of the back seat, I am going to have to come back when it's daylight, I doubt anyone is going to mess with my car. I turned my flashlight on from my phone and headed in the direction of the cabin. My shoulder is throbbing, but it’s the least of my worries, as the howls are getting closer. One hour later. Making it to the cabin, it's cold, and I am wet. I hated the snow for a reason, and this is just giving me another reason to hate it. I hope the cabin is warm, I don’t know what I will do if it's cold or I cannot get a fire started. Forcing the door open, it's cold, but at least it doesn’t look like it's in bad shape. I know my dad wanted to do some repairs, but he got sick first and then my mother. I don’t really believe they just got the flu and died, I think there was more to it, but since it was ruled natural, the police didn’t want to look into it. Looking around, I find a lamp “good at leas the power works.” Walking outside, I am hoping there is fire woods. Finding the wood was easy, but its all ruined. “Great.” I said, rolling my eyes. “I guess I am going to have to keep warm another way, and tomorrow I hope my car works and I can get some stuff I need for this place.” I said, rubbing my arms. I knew my father wanted this place to be nice, but it’s a shit hole. Throwing my computer on the bed, at least I have cell service, so I can hot spot if I want to do the internet. If I can figure out how to pay for everything, this place won’t be bad. I don’t have work at the moment but my parents did leave me a lot of money as well. Walking to the bathroom, I hope there is something to clean my wounds with. Opening the cabinet. There is a small first aid kit but not much else. I used what I could to clean the bleeding wounds, something is wrong with my shoulder it feels weird. I settled in for the night. Even though every once in a while, I would hear a howl from a wolf. I didn’t know we had wolves here now. This is going to be interesting; I don’t know what the future holds, I hope tomorrow is better. I shut my eyes.
02Chapter 2
Chapter 2
The next morning peaked around faster than I wanted it to. My shoulder is hurting more, its swelling a little. I need to get some ice for this, I don’t know wher this hospital is, but maybe I should go and check it out. It couldn’t hurt right? I decided to go and get my car or see if I could figure out what was wrong with it. It didn’t take me as long since I knew where I was in the daylight. My car is still parked where I left it. I unlocked it and tried starting it. It wanted to but didn’t. “Come on, I don’t need this now.” I said, hitting the steering wheel. “Come just start so I can get back to the cabin.” I sighed. Putting my hair in a pony tail, I went to my trunk to see if I had anything I could use. Even though I knew nothing about why the damn thing died on me, it doesn’t want to start and it’s making me worried that I won’t have a car anymore. I don’t know what I will do if I don’t have something to get around in I went around the front of the car and popped the hood, hoping something would be easy to fix, but I knew nothing about engines. My dad always took care of things, and now I kind of wish he was here to show me what I need to do to make it work. I started messing around with some of the stuff, it seemed like everything is fine. “Having some car trouble?” a male voice asked. I didn’t realize a car pulled up. There were two of the burly looking guys staring back at me from last night. I glanced around, there would be no where I could run to get away from them. “Yes.” I sighed. “Something darted in front of my car, I avoided it, and here I am.” Looking back at the engine, “but I don’t know anything about these things, my dad tried teaching me but I was rebellious.” He kind of chuckled. “You havent been here all night right? if I remember right you were at the gas station last night.” “I was.” I smiled. “But I did manage to get to where I needed to go.” I said taking a breath, I know I have to be careful with what I tell them. “Good someone came and got you, why didn’t they stay around?” he kind of smiled. “Oh no.” I said shaking my head. “I had to walk, in the dark but I found my way.” I said touching my shoulder, I winced a little he noticed but he didn’t say anything. “Want me to look at it?” he asked, getting out of the car. “I am Marcus by the way.” he said as I moved out of the way. “Anna.” “Looks like an easy fix.” He said, looking at me. “Mike come help.” He said, asking his friend in the drivers to get into my car. “Give me two seconds.” He said, messing with something. “Go ahead, Mike, start it.” It started. “Seriously!” I am so happy the thing started. “You need a couple of new belts, I guess going into the ditch was a blessing.” He mused. “If you had kept driving, your engine would have died.” His blues eyes sparkled just right when the sun hit them. “I only live up there a few miles. Anyway, would it make it there?” I said, looking in the direction of the cabin. “Yes.” He smiled; his smile almost made me melt. “Lets get you pulled out.” He said as the driver pulled the oversize SUV in front of mine. I moved out of the way and they managed to get it out of the ditch. “We’ll follow you to ensure you and your car get there. But I wouldn’t recommend driving anywhere else. Your husband might need to call someone to take him into town.” Daniel said before Marcus could. “Thanks.” I said as I walked over to the car. “Thanks so much.” “No problem.” He said, getting back into his car. They backed up so they could follow me. I felt weird with them knowing where I lived, but they helped me, so I had to keep that in mind. Noticing my car is acting weird again, I don’t know if its going to make it to the cabin. Even though he said its only belts maybe there is something else wrong too. But I made it to the cabin before it died again. “Wow.” I said, getting out of the car. “Thanks for helping me get my car here, I will call around and see if anyone will come and help.” Marcus got out of the car. “Pop the hood.” he mused. “Let me see something.” “Sure.” I said opening the hood. “Damn.” he said pulling out a rubber belt. “It snapped anyways.” he said showing me. “You wont be able to drive for now, sorry.” I sighed. “Yeah it figures, my luck sucks currently, so this isnt anything I wasnt expecting.” “We live a few miles north of here. If you can’t find someone to help you, I might know someone if you want, I can send him this way?” “That be great.” I smiled. “So, your husband, he around? I don’t want him getting upset if someone comes here without him knowing.” He said, glancing at the cabin. I can tell he is being cautious since he doesn’t know who I am and he doesn’t know if I have someone here. “I uh, I don’t have one.” I said, looking away from him. The breakup and the cheating hurt more now that someone asked about him. “So, if your friend comes, he doesn’t have to worry about there being any drama.” “Can I ask you something?” “Depends.” I said, looking at him. “Why are you out here alone? It's dangerous with all the wolves and stuff in the area. Do you have a weapon?” he asked. “I don’t. I have never seen a wolf here even though I heard them all night, but I haven’t been here in years. I am a wolf lover.” I giggled. “I didn’t get to bring any of my stuff because I didn’t know if this place was livable.” “I see.” he said glancing at Daniel. His eyes kind of flickered but it could be because of the pain I am feeling. “We need to get going. My friend should be over here in a few hours. His name is Micah, he’ll take care of anything you need with your car. He’s one of the best in the area.” He smiled as they pulled away. “I’ll have him bring some dry wood too for your fireplace, its supposed to be cold tonight.” “Thanks.” I said waving before they pulled too far away. Walking back into the cabin, I am hungry so I grab a bagel, and then I pick up my phone, I noticed no service. "Wow, my luck is getting better.” I sighed. “Well at least I won’t be bothered by Jake if he wants to keep talking about things.” I tossed my phone in my bag. I am a little nervous about being with someone here, I can’t call for help or run away. I don’t know my way around the forest, but maybe I don’t have to worry about anything. They didn’t have to help me when they did, so maybe I am wrong to be worried about this other guy. I just hope he can fix my car and I am able to get around. I decided to get some coffee going, and I know I needed it. The snow didn’t last long last night, so it wasn’t that wet. I did want to take a walk and see the place. Waiting for my coffee to brew, I stepped outside to check out the cabin. I checked the shed to see if there was anything in there but it was empty. Walking around to the other side, I found the power box, but everything was on except one. I turned it on hoping it was the power for the rest of the cabin. When I walked inside, I flicked a switch and the power came on for the light in the kitchen. “YAY, I have all power.” I mused. “Now I can put the coffee in here.” I grabbed my coffee and went outside, the sun is out and its not that cold thankfully, I didn’t know when Micah was coming but I knew he would be here. Knowing a mechanic it might be an all day waiting depending on how fast he can get through his other cars.