Crown of Desires

Crown of Desires

MafiaEroticaUnexpected RomancePassionate LoveBetrayalMulti-identityRevengeFamily DramaGood GirlMafia/GangsterWealthyStrong Female LeadSexySuspensefulRomantic

After being fired at work, Kym wants nothing more than to go home to her husband, Gino. Upon arriving home, she finds her husband in bed with the woman that was appointed as her replacement. Gino ties Kym up, watches her have sex with her replacement and sends her about her way, divorced. With nothing but the clothes on her back, Kym is snatched up by Gasion Goodheart, the leader of the rival mafia group to her husband—in which, she knew nothing of her husband being in the mafia. She later finds out that Gino lied about his father, Theo's passing, and he is actually the man behind trying to take her out. After surviving many kidnapping attempts, she finally gets to a safe place where she is able to become an entirely different person with a new name. She and Gasion fall hard for each other, but cannot be least not yet. While Gasion goes away and leaves her with her new life, the woman formerly known as Kym is on a mission to turn her weaknesses into strengths and forms her own mafia group—one that can rival her ex-husband's. No longer does she want to feel weak and powerless. She now has an insatiable thirst for revenge, and a slew of resources at her disposal.

Available Chapters

2 Free Chapters

Chapter 1 - Winter's Heart


What a shit day today has been. Life has its way of kicking you in the ass, but today was extra special. If the rain was any indication of how my day went, then it was a terrible fucking day. I lost my job because my boss decided to hire a younger, hotter secretary with zero brains and a willingness to suck his dick on command. She wasn’t THAT cute or that much younger than me—she’s twenty-two, I’m twenty-seven, so I’m definitely sure it was her blowing him off after hours. What’s worse is that she called out today. What a crock of shit! I gave three years to Jenson Corporation, and this is how I’m repaid? I can still see Charles’ stupid smug face saying ‘it’s not you, we are making structural changes within the company.’ Yea, changes my left ass cheek. I let my umbrella free with the aggression of an angry 10-year-old as I fled the building, fleeing from the harsh rain. The tall buildings seemingly looked down on me with pity. The gray stones and reflective windows wore a gloomier than usual tone. Finally getting to my car with what seemed like an eternity of a jog, I got in my black Lexus SUV and cried my eyes out. The only saving grace of today would be going home to my fine 6 foot tall stallion of a man. To look into his steel blue eyes and kiss those soft beautiful lips of his would indeed take the pain away. I can practically feel his tongue caressing my clit right now. I called with excitement about talking to him, but also sadness with the news I had. “Hmm. No answer.” I checked the time. It's 5:40 pm. Maybe he had to go into the office because something came up. Running the top marketing firm in Circle Creek can be quite a busy endeavor. I drove home with the care of an old lady—not that I had a choice, it’s raining ass and titties out here. Speaking of, I was ready to let mine loose. There is one good thing about being fired from Jenson’s. No longer do I have to wear this shit anymore. A blue blouse, a blue skirt, with a white dress shirt underneath so I wouldn’t show any cleavage, with some 3 inch high heels get annoying to wear if I’m dressing like that daily, but it definitely showed my figure. Finally I’m home! I see the hubby’s car in the driveway so that rules out him having to go into the office. I put my phone into my blazer pocket before getting out of the car, not even caring about an umbrella, or the fact that the rain is totally soaking me right now. My blonde hair is frizzy and wet. “Babe,” I called out to the backroom. No answer. He’s probably sleeping. To be fair, it is very difficult to hear through these walls. The house is spacious and the walls are thick. Not ideal if you are being robbed while you’re fast asleep. I need to get out of these clothes! I unbuttoned my skirt and slid it down, alongside my blue laced panties. My panties stuck to my thighs due to my legs being hounded by the rain. Maybe I had gotten a little thicker as well. Those squats were finally paying off at the gym. I figured it’d be a nice surprise for hubby to wake up to a soaking wet, skirt-less bombshell. As I get closer to our bedroom door I can hear noises coming from the bedroom. I open the door swiftly, swinging it open to find my husband, Gino—my fucking husband on top of some other woman. “What the fuck?” I am so angry, so heartbroken. I can practically feel my face get red. I feel like my hair is standing up and steam is coming from my ears. “Kym! I-I thought you weren’t off until 8 tonight?” He scrambled to cover up himself with the covers. My focus was on the woman, though. Just because she looked so familiar. My vision was so blurry from tears stacking up in my eyes, that I couldn’t see much. As I wiped the tears from my eyes, everything became more clear. My mouth dropped. He’s fucking the…wait—the new secretary from Jenson’s? My heart is racing 100 beats a minute. Here I am, standing in the room that my husband and I shared, with my bare ass out, looking at him and another woman in the bed we shared. To make matters worse, she is the same woman that replaced me at my job. I don’t understand. I don’t want to understand. I ran to the nightstand to grab Gino’s gun. He quickly beat me to the punch. The fucker was an all-state track star in his younger days. Clearly he still has it. He grabs me and throws me down on the floor, the soft bearskin rug over the carpet on his side of the bed tickled my ass, but nothing was funny about this at all. The next thing I know, there is a gun to my head. A fucking gun! My husband’s gun is at my fucking temple right now. What the fuck is life? “I’m sorry, Kym. I don’t know why you’re not still at work. You weren’t supposed to be let go until your shift ended at 8 tonight. What happened?” He continued to keep the gun pressed against my head. His dick is just sitting right there. I came in the house wanting to suck it til he busted in my mouth, and now all I want to do is bite it the fuck off. “The fuck do you mean, what happened? What is going on? And how do you know I was being let go?” I sounded wayyyy more calm than I actually was. I was pissed, I was scared, I was so heartbroken. The dumb brunette is just sitting there looking at it all unfold, with a smirk on her dumb face. Her hair was a mess. Dumb bitch… He let out a deep sigh, still pressing the gun against my head. “Go get a chair from the kitchen, Drekia.” He looked over to the brunette. Of course, like a little clueless puppy dog, she was all too pleased to go and do what daddy says. He said nothing to me while she was gone for what felt like an eternity of silence, but was only mere seconds. She comes back with a chair and places it behind me. “Sit,” he orders me like I’m a fucking dog. “Fuck you, Gino, I’m not your pet!” He must have forgotten who he was talking to. He smacked me hard with the back of the hand that was holding the gun, which essentially made it a spinning back fist. My face stung, but that pain was nothing compared to the pain that my heart felt. Who was this man? He had never hit me before. He’d never even yelled at me in the eight years we were married. His eyes looked soulless, full of hate—but why? I didn’t move a muscle. Not necessarily out of defiance, but from shock and being terrified. Gino grabs me and forces me into the chair. I can’t help but ball my eyes out. “Why?” Come on, Kym. Pull it together. Fuck! I can’t! This. Shit. Sucks! Gino pulls out two sets of handcuffs, and hands the gun to the brunette. “If she moves, shoot her.” He is so cold, so stoic. What had I done to him? This fucker handcuffed my feet together. He then placed my hands behind the chair and handcuffed them. “Gino! Why are you doing this?! What have I done? I cooked, I worked hard, I made sure the house was clean. I gave you head whenever you wanted. I don’t understand!” I am a serious mess at this point. Word of advice friends, never try to reason with an unreasonable person. You’ll look like the fool every single time. Gino was definitely unreasonable. He took the gun back from the brunette without saying a word. He cocked it. Oh shit! I’m about to die at the hands of my husband and I don’t even know why—and my cooch is still out. Now he’s reaching the drawer again. What now? He seems to have an entire hardware store in his fucking nightstand. I never had a reason to go in his because I have an identical one on my side of our king-sized bed. “Duct tape? What the fu— He taped my mouth shut before I could even finish my sentence.


Chapter 2- Begotten ashes


“Now, I believe I was in the middle of something,” he grabs me and pushes me back against the wall. I cannot move my fucking hands or feet. I can’t scoot back. I have no energy left. I have never been so defeated and broken in my life. My right eye is swollen, probably bruised. My eyes I’m sure are red from crying. Gino gets back into the bed and starts making out with Drekia, the brunette, as if I’m not even there. She on the other hand looks over at me every chance she gets. I keep closing my eyes, but I also can’t help but watch. Is it curiosity? Or am I just trying to make sure that this is even real? Like at one point does the realization set in that you are handcuffed to a chair in the room that you and your husband of eight years have shared together, watching him screw another woman? He bends her over so they are both facing me, her back arched so well that I can see the line going down her back, and her rounded ass cheeks. Even though I couldn’t see his dick slide in her, I could tell by the gasping moan and the pleasure on her face that he was definitely deep inside her. It hurt because I know how good that feels. I’ve been there the last eight years. I know good his thick cock feels massaging your walls with every stroke. He started pounding her, grabbing her hair just like I like my pulled—with a fistful. Her eyes rolling in the back of her head. She was a screamer, like me. Maybe she exaggerated because she wanted to make sure I heard how good it felt for my husband to fucking her brains out. I had cried out all of my tears. I just watched them, now dry-eyed. I wanted to remember this. Remember this feeling. This visual. If I ever made it out of here alive, I would get them back somehow, some way. Gino, you better damn well kill me after you are done. He continued to pound her deep, both hands on her hips. The loud sounds of her ass clapped against his hips. I could see her ass ripple and bounce with each motion. “Ooh, daddy don’t stop, please. I’m about to cum so hard for you.” She looked right at me as she slurred her moaning speech, before turning around and facing him. She let out one last loud moan as her orgasm climbed to it’s peak. Not to be outdone, she quickly turned around and placed Gino on the bed, took him all the way in her mouth and started to suck him off. Presumably he was close. She continued on until he busted everywhere. She didn’t even take it all in her mouth—rookie. “Alright, now that I’ve finished my business, what was your question again?” His smug ass taunted me. Like he didn’t just make his wife watch him have sex with another woman. I have never hated someone so much, so fast. I stayed quiet. I have nothing to say. I don’t know what to say. I was broken. I truly am in a trance—in complete disbelief. “Cat got your tongue? Well, I’ll tell you what, I’m feeling generous today. I’ll let you walk out of here alive. Just sign this for me.” He hands me divorce papers. I sign with no hesitation. I am seriously in a trance. He finally releases me from my fucking shackles. He grabs the 9mm pistol and places the cold steel behind my head as I go to walk out of the door. I see our pictures. All of our pictures together. This hurts so fucking bad. I want to grab his gun and shoot myself in the mouth. I don’t want to live anymore. I get to the door to go outside, and I can still hear the rain fall hard. It never eased up. As I sit here and look at the knob, I am frozen. I want to touch it, but I cannot bring myself to do it. How could everything I had been suddenly snatched from me, and I not even have a reason as to why? I just stood there. Gino aggressively grabbed the knob, twisted it, and snatched open the door. The cold rain landed at my feet. It snapped me out of it. I turn to get my panties and skirt, of course alarming Gino. He stepped back and pulled the gun on me again, upping his guard. I placed my hands in the air, then looked down at my skirt, panties, and shoes. Thank God he didn’t shoot me. I picked up my clothes and placed them on. They are still wet, but it is better than nothing. I finally make my way out of the house. As hurtful as that experience was, a weight was lifted off of me. But now, I have no idea where I’m going to go. I have no car—the Lexus is in his name. Everything is in his name. I have nothing. Honestly, I wouldn’t want anything that reminded me of him anyway. Right now, I just needed to get out of this rain. It hasn’t let up at all. At this point, I have gotten at least two miles down the road—barefoot. I could not stand walking in those heels much longer. Cars continued to pass me by, splashing fucking water on me from the puddles on the roads. Because why THE FUCK not?! May as well add insult to injury. I can hear another car coming up behind me. Except this time, it sounds like it’s slowing down. Finally, a good samaritan. Although, I was not going to ask for help, it would be nice right now. I couldn’t even turn around all the way before I felt myself being grabbed. Whoever has me in their clutches is strong. Instinctively, I am trying to fight off my snatcher. Failed! I find myself in the backseat of an SUV. “When I take my hand from your mouth, you will be calm, you will not scream, you will not panic…understand?” This man has his hand over my mouth. I nodded in agreement. He’s wearing leather gloves, a gray pinstripe suit, and dark shades. What kind of douche wears shades in this gloomy ass weather. Who does he think he is? The Mafia Lord? Admittedly, he looks pretty handsome. Clean shaven, strong jawline, and good hair—slick back, black with a single string hanging over his eye. He smelled like Versace Eros cologne. He was something out of a crime movie. I notice two other guys—one driving, obviously and the other in the passenger. Couldn’t tell what they looked like, though. All I could think about was what they were going to do to me. Mr. Handsome finally took his hand from over my mouth. “Speak.” “What is up with you men thinking you can talk to me like I’m a fucking dog?” I am pissed. I literally did not care. You fuckers will have quite a time killing me in my current mental state. “I removed my hand, I assumed you had some questions. Like why you’re in the back of an SUV. Who are we? The fuck is your malfunction, lady?” He was not entertaining my bullshit. To be fair, he had a point. I was not about to back down. I kept up the false bravado. “Yeah, all of that. The fuck is going on?” I don’t know if I was being this way to keep from crying or just hoping it was enough for them to not mess with me. I don’t think either is working. I can literally feel the emotions creeping up on the tone of my voice.